MV Tifjord
(2012 – 2021)

In February 2012 Berge Rederi AS bought Molo Sun from Molo Sun AS and renamed her to MV Tifjord. Included in the sale was financing from a local bank at the North West part of Norway. The name Tifjord originated from an area between Ulvøya and Frøya. The name was also used on a fishing/cargo vessel owned by Birger Berge, brother to Øivind and Magne`s grandfather. Tifjord was already a self-discharger with excavator. The cargo capacity was 1700 tn, with a 2795 cbm cargohold consisting of 2 movable bulkheads. The vessel's main cargo were raw materials for the salmon and agriculture industry in Norway. Outbound cargoes were mainly dolomite, fertilizers in BB and split. Tifjord was rented out on a BBCP to Vestfrakt Shippinng in 2016 and at the end of the CP, February 2021, Vestfrakt Shipping AS bought the vessel.