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MV Tifjord II

(2017 – 2022)

MV Tifjord II

In April 2017 Berge Rederi AS bought the vessel Bouga from Atlantico Shipping SL (Spain) and renamed her to MV Tifjord. Tifjord was roughly the same size as Titran, and this was when we first started to name vessels of the same size with the same first letter. For example, T = 5000 Dwt. Tifjord was rebuilt to a self-discharger with excavator same year in Tallinn. The cargo capacity was 4750 t, with a cargo hold of a total 6200 cbm consisting of 2 movable bulkheads. The vessel's main cargo were raw materials for the salmon and agriculture industry in Norway. Outbound cargoes were mainly dolomite, crumbles and split. Tifjord was in February 2022 sold to a company in the Peak Group and renamed Peak Skorpo.

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